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Ensure Terraform remains truly open-source. Always.

OpenTF is a fork of Terraform that is open source, community driven, and will be managed by an independent Foundation.

Our Goals

Truly open-source

under a well-known and widely-accepted license that companies can trus, that won’t suddenly change in the future, and isn’t subhect to the whims of a singe vendor.


so that the community governs the project for the community, where pull requests are regularly reviewed and accepted on their merit.


so that valuable features and fixes are accepted based on their value to the community, regardless of their impact on any particular vendor.

Layered and modular

with a programmer-friendly project structure to encourage building on top, enabling a new vibrant ecosystem of tools and integrations.


so that the existing code can drive value for years to come.


  1. Companies134
  2. Projects10
  3. Foundations1
  4. Individuals622
GruntworkCompanyDevelopment; open-source community efforts
SpaceliftCompanyCover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
env0CompanyCover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
ScalrCompanyCover the cost of 3 FTEs for at least 5 years
HarnessCompanyCover the cost of 5 FTEs for at least 5 years
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